
A crisis in the Church and in life draws from loss of prayer and spirituality. Silent prayer can be a revolution.

Ifr a crisis of faith takes place in the Church, as for some decades is notable in our time, it is bound to have complex causes. But at its core, every crisis of faith is a crisis of prayer and spirituality. This difficulty is not unanswerable; the loss of greater desire for God need not continue endlessly. Mary might insist, however, that a choice is necessary, the same choice for prayer that once may have been abandoned in lives.

The discovery of the beauty of prayer before a tabernacle in a silent chapel of church does not just quickly transform an individual life. If contagious among souls, the attraction for silent prayer is capable of unleashing a quiet revolution of recovery in Catholic faith and fidelity. (Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation, Haggerty, 374-375)

Pray for light to see this great mystery.

O Lord my God, favor Your servant with the blessings of Your sweetness that I may merit to approach Your magnificent Sacrament worthily and devoutly.  Lift up my heart to You and take away from me this heavy indolence.  Visit me witn Your saving grace that I may in spirit taste Your sweetness which lies hidden in this Sacrament like water in the depths of a spring.  Enlighten my eyes to behold this great Mystery and give me strength to believe in it with firm faith. (The Imitation of Christ, a Kempis, 223)

Prayer is an endless longing for God Himself.

The readiness to be content with bnothing but God himself can transform prayer into an endless quest of longing for God himself. And this should be our goal in prayer, an ultimate love for the Beloved. Nothing else can surpass a pure desire for God alone. (Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation, Haggerty, 54)

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